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Cupboard full of cloths

Your home should function for your family, your activities and your lifestyle.  With the exception of kitchens and bathrooms, rooms in your homes can be whatever you organize them to be.  Don’t feel compelled to have a formal living room if you never use it.  Transform it into a space you will actually use.  Never host overnight guests but have a guest room? Consider utilizing the space for a hobby or home office.   As professional organizers our main goal is for you to love your space.  You love your space when it functions best for you.

A recent room redefine project that made a huge impact for a Germantown client was the switch of a formal dining room to a central family hub.  With growing boys and a plan to stay in their home indefinitely, the owners realized the formal dining room wasn’t serving a purpose for their family.  With our help, the clients now have a room with a purpose that works for them.  The morning routine is streamlined with a hub for backpacks, shoes, and jackets located right where they leave the home.  The boys now have a purposeful place for homework, creativity and a cuddly reading nook.

The perfect combination of old and new came together to make the space work.  We repurposed a family cabinet into an art station for the boys.  The addition of organizing items such as bins, paper sorters, and a lazy susan encourage creativity and tidiness.  We moved a neglected chair from another room and gave it new life in a cozy reading nook.  New additions of an Ikea desk, desk chairs, rectangle ottomans, rug and an amazing custom cubby built by our client’s friend round out the function and personality of their new space.  The client loves the cleaner lines and more masculine feel that is reflective of her two boys.  Metal bulletin boards for each boy allow for a pop or personality and display space that is fun and not cluttered.

Our client reports that it has gone from the least used room in the house to the most and we couldn’t be happier!  Helping our clients make their homes work for them is what we do.  Are there rooms in your home that could use a redefine?  Don’t be afraid to throw out the “norms” for a space.  Spaces are most enjoyable when they are functional for you!

The attached photos show the before and after of this project.  We were thrilled to be a part of this redefining room adventure.  Let us know what rooms you have redefined in your own home.