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Two Women's standing together

When Tanya Springer was a teenager, she worked at a Bonanza, where she was chided for spending too much time organizing the salad bar. Similarly, as a teen, her sister Holly Kulp worked at a grocery store, where she, too, was told to lay off on arranging the canned goods.

It turns out the sisters were honing skills for Springer Sisters, a professional organizing business they founded in 2017 in Memphis. Springer Sisters offers services for those looking to declutter, downsize for a move, or create a picture-perfect pantry.

“The first part of our process is that we do an in-home consultation with any prospective client,” Tanya said. “So, we come out to their space, get to know them a little bit, take a tour of their home or office or whatever the space is that they’re interested in attacking and see exactly what their goals are.”

The sisters say that every project is specifically designed for each client.

“There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, or one product that works for everybody,” Tanya said.

The sisters take measurements and photos. And, then they go home and brainstorm. They consider if the job’s a simple decluttering or something that needs one-on-one work with the client. They think about if new shelving is needed.

After all that’s done, they send out their proposal covering the steps, time, and cost. They talk to their clients about whether they want to be involved in the process. They determine whether he or she will need a cheerleader to push them through. They give them homework.

“A lot of organization is really just accountability. We consider ourselves accountability coaches as well,” Holly said.

They said they’ll see parents who are moving out of their homes, but their kids want none of their stuff. One client may buy way too many clothes, or another hoards plastic bags.

“We have clients who don’t care anything about any photos at all, and others that have thousands and can’t get rid of a single one,” Holly said.

They’ll talk to the clients about their things — what has value, is there space for it, etc.

“Let us do what we love to do,” Tanya said. “And, then you can focus on you want to do and get rid of the guilt that your pantry doesn’t look like that Instagram photo you saw two weeks ago.”

Read the full article here.