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A women selecting cloths in a shop

Downsizing, or reducing the square footage of your home and consequently the number of possessions in it, happens frequently in Memphis and the Mid-South area.  As professional organizers, The Springer Sisters are trained to walk clients through the downsizing process.  We are experts at asking the right questions and helping folks determine what the next steps are, and which items will be accompanying them on their journey.  Change, even when planned for, can be overwhelming.  The Springer Sisters are able to ease anxiety and help clients move through the process with less stress.

Some clients choose to downsize from a large home in Central Gardens to a retirement community in Germantown.  Others may crave a small-town feel.  These folks may choose to live in the historical district of Collierville- where walking to grab a cup of coffee, shop, and eat dinner is an option.  Still others may downsize in order to simplify their lifestyle.  This may involve selling a larger home in order to live in a new condo on Front Street in Memphis.

Downsizing in the Memphis area requires some forethought and planning.  A smaller space does not automatically equal smaller living expenses.  As you think through the next chapter of your life, spend time reflecting upon what is important to you.

Are you downsizing for financial reasons?  Look at the areas in which you are interested very closely.  Some neighborhoods in Memphis are more expensive than you may initially think.  Home pricing is not only based on square footage, but location.

Are you downsizing from a larger home in Germantown as an empty nester?   Think about where you spend your free time.  If you want to be close to shows, concerts, and special events, you should consider following your downsizing adventure to an area closer to downtown Memphis.

Downsizing for the simplification of your life may lead you into another area of Memphis.  Smaller homes in the Sea Isle Park or High Point area have a great deal of character and less space to clean and maintain.  Fewer chores equals more free time.

As you begin your downsizing journey in Memphis, you must also address your belongings.  Smaller spaces hold fewer items.  The sooner you start to look at your possessions with a more critical eye, the better.  Should downsizing be in your game plan any time within the next five years- start now.

Release items you no longer use.  Donate, gift them to friends and family (if they are interested!) or hold a downsizing party.   A very important piece of the downsizing process is knowing how much space you will need for your next chapter.  You can make the best choice on square footage once you are clear on the items you are taking with you.

Unfortunately, downsizing can sometimes be an unexpected event, due to illness and/or changes in health and mobility.   When time is limited and minutes count, stress levels rise.   The Springer Sisters are able step in and offer objective advice and solutions.

As you plan your next chapter, clearly define why you would like to downsize and what value a smaller space, with fewer belongings, might bring to your life.  As with all endeavors, knowing why you started down a new path makes the journey easier to complete.   Memphis and the surrounding communities offer a myriad of options for right-sizing your home and life- and The Springer Sisters are here to be your guides should you need us.  Happy Downsizing!!