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Two women's holding a box

Everything is different now.  Our daily routines, the way we interact with others and the ways in which we spend our time.  The things we value have not changed, but rather been brought into focus.   Family, friends, health and homes remain at the top of the list.

Like many people, I have been spending a lot of time walking around the two neighborhoods in which Holly and I live and our business operates.  Each day there is a flurry of activity outdoors.  Homeowners planting flowers, children drawing with chalk, and construction projects seem much more prevalent.  We are all beautifying our spaces in our own ways.  Spring is a busy time for home improvement projects each year.  I believe the extra time we have had thrust upon us along with the realization that our homes really ARE our safe place (and only place right now!) have increased  the number of projects started.

While so much seems uncertain, our feelings about our homes have held steady.  Our homes are our sanctuaries.  After spending more time than usual in them lately, our feelings about the spaces in which we live have become magnified- both the good and the bad.

We have become acutely aware of what rooms/areas we love and which ones are not functioning in the way we had envisioned.  Whether the issue is clutter, functionality, or the way in which your family uses a space (you have a formal dining room you never use, but would rather have a game room), we are now more encouraged to create a home which meets our specific needs.

Each of us will come out of the quarantine having learned something different.  Some may decide working from home (with a dedicated home office set-up) is a better choice for them. Others may have rekindled their love of cooking and want to streamline their kitchen for more efficient use.  Finally, there will be families realizing they need more (or less) space and will be looking to find a home that more accurately reflects the current stage of life they are in.  Decluttering to stage a home for sale will become necessary.

Holly and I are anxious (but exercising caution)  to jump back in and help families create the homes they cannot wait to spend time in.  Our homes are our biggest investments and our havens.  We look forward to helping you realize the genuine value of yours.